Using the Custom Form Builder

1.  The custom form builder makes it easy to collect information before and after the time of booking.

2.  Start by going to Mount Vida | Reserve.  Then, click on the Offerings Editor.

3. From the Offering Editor you can create new or edit existing offerings. 

4. To add custom questions go to the Add-Ons section and click Info Request.

5. The form builder in the Info Request section is intuitive and easy to use. Simply click to add a new form. 

6. Then, provide the following:

a) Form Name – a title for the form.

b) Description – a short description or instructions for the form.

c) Form Type – select whether the question should be asked once per booking, or for each guest.  This is helpful in multi-guest scenarios.

d) Time of Use – select whether the form should be filled out before checkout or filled out after checkout. 

7. Next, create as many questions as you need. You can create the following question types. 

a) Free Text – open field answer option.

b) Single Select – select one from the list.

c) Multi Select – select all that apply.

8. You can create additional forms as needed.  Each form can have different titles and instructions, as appropriate.  The same is reflected at the time of checkout.